Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Friday after school, Sanford has his big BoWLinG shin dig for school.  Grandad dropped Connor off at practice since I was still working and Grammie hung out here for a few minutes mooching craft supplies and getting some things done for a baby shower she's planning.

I took Connor to get his favorite burger after practice and Sanford stopped at Chick-fil-a on the way home from a depressing defeat at the bowling alley.  He did end up with the men's high average (205.5) even though his team didn't win this year.

We ate our fast food out on the patio and then came in and began the nightmare task of writing Connor's social studies final assignment....a 4-5 minute speech on ancient Greece as told by Socrates (So-Crates if you ask Connor).

Of course the boy calling him So-Crates made me think of Bill and Ted and I called around to see if anyone had it...no luck.  I found it on Amazon and ordered it :)

 As soon as all the horrible studying for finals and GiaNT projects and stress of the end of the year is over, we'll do a big movie night and watch it...I may even make ZiGGy PiggiES to celebrate the end of the first year of middle school. :)

Yup...I'm thinking this is definitely in our future :)

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